



研究室:億光大樓 928室
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李穎玟博士於2000年取得國立清華大學電機工程碩士,並於2008年取得美國史丹佛大學應用物理博士。李博士擁有多年的光學研究經驗,其主要專長為雷射物理、光纖光學以及非線性光學。李博士的博士論文研究是研發新型的Yb3+-doped Phosphate光纖雷射。2008至2010年間,她加入美國OFS Labs.(前身為Bell Labs的光纖光學部門)從事軍事用高功率全光纖雷射及拉曼雷射系統的研發。回台後,李博士在國立台灣大學從事脈衝式光纖雷射激發電漿以產生EUV光源的博後研究,於2012年,加入本校光電系及建立此實驗室,並在2022年成為本系教授。


  • 美國史丹佛大學(Stanford University, USA) 應用物理 博士 2008年
  • 國立清華大學 電機工程 碩士 2000年


  • 國立台北科技大學 光電工程系 教授 2022年 ~ 至今
  • 國立台北科技大學 教務處 教學資源中心主任 2022年 ~ 至今
  • 國立台北科技大學 電資學院 副院長 2017年 ~ 2022年
  • 國立台北科技大學 光電工程系 副教授 2017年 ~ 2022年
  • 國立台北科技大學 光電工程系 助理教授 2012年 ~ 2017年
  • 國立台灣大學 光電工程所 博士後研究員 2011年 ~ 2012年
  • OFS Lab. USA 研究員 2008年 ~ 2010年


  • 研究所課程:雷射工程(全英授課)、光電科技概論
  • 大學部課程:工程數學(全英授課)、雷射工程(全英授課)、物理(全英授課)、物理實驗、光電工程概論(全英授課)


  • 雷射工程與物理
  • 光纖光學元件
  • 生醫光學檢測
  • 非線性光學元件及特殊光學材料


  1. 高能量寬頻 Mamyshev 超快摻銩鎖模光纖雷射源之開發(II) (國科會) 2024/08-2025/07
  2. 點亮你學習的光: 運用翻轉教室與問題導向學習教學法提升雷射工程學生之學習成效 (教學實踐研究計畫) 2024/08-2025/07
  3. 高反射材料加工用千瓦級光纖雷射之錐形熔融側向幫浦光纖合束器的研發 (國科會產學) 2024/06-2025/05
  4. 高功率雷射用光纖耦合元件之模擬與分析 (產學合作) 2023/12-2024/03
  5. 高效率摻銩鎖模光纖雷射放大器與其在生醫材料加工之應用 (北科/北醫) 2023/1-2023/12
  6. 高功率光纖雷射之錐形熔融側向幫浦光纖合束器研發 (國科會產學) 2022/11-2023/10
  7. 2微米波長之高重複頻率時域展寬式掃頻光纖雷射源研究(II) (國科會) 2022/08-2023/07
  8. 2微米波長之高重複頻率時域展寬式掃頻光纖雷射源研究 (國科會) 2021/08-2022/07
  9. Yb:YAG晶體光纖在高功率鎖模雷射放大器之動力學研究 (工業技術研究院) 2021/03-2021-11
  10. 線偏振雷射源驗證 (產學合作) 2021/01-2022-12
  11. 高速直接位積層製造技術與產業研發計畫 (經濟部/產學合作) 2020/6-2022/5
  12. 高能量高效率之Q開關摻鉺晶體光纖雷射與其相關零組件之研發 (科技部) 2019/8-2021/7
  13. 光纖雷射脈衝訊號產生光纖分析研究 (經濟部/工業技術研究院) 2020/1-2020/11
  14. 光纖雷射訊號傳輸與光纖分析研究 (經濟部/工業技術研究院) 2019/1-2019/12
  15. 高峰值功率之摻鐿晶體光纖雷射放大器與其在雷射激發電漿產生13.5奈米極紫外光之應用 (科技部) 2018/8-2019/7
  16. 光纖雷射波長傳輸分析研究 (經濟部/工業技術研究院) 2018/1-2018/12
  17. 短奈秒時脈多檔可調線偏性全光纖雷射技術開發計畫 (產學合作) 2018/7-2019/6
  18. 高功率、窄頻與波長可調之2um摻鈥光纖雷射源之研究(II) (科技部) 2017/8-2018/7
  19. 光纖雷射脈衝波形與長轉換分析與研究 (經濟部/工業技術研究院) 2017/1-2017/12
  20. 高亮度幫浦之光纖雷射源開發 (經濟部/產學合作) 2015/11-2017/10
  21. 高功率、窄頻與波長可調之2um摻銩與摻鈥光纖雷射源之研究 (科技部) 2016/8-2017/7
  22. 高功率奈米製程之摻鉺光纖雷射在皮膚分段光熱分解療法之應用 (臺北科技大學/臺北醫學大學) 2016/1-2016/12
  23. 光纖雷射耐受度、非線性、光孤子或訊號變形之分析與研究 (經濟部/工業技術研究院) 2016/1 -2016/12
  24. 脈衝光纖雷射之波長與脈衝波型轉換與變形之分析與研究 (經濟部/工業技術研究院) 2015/1-2015/12
  25. 中紅外鎖模光纖雷射與超連續光譜光源之研發 (國科會) 2012/7-2015/7
  26. 高功率近紅外光纖雷射研發 (產學合作) 2014/8-2015/1
  27. 光纖雷射耐受度、非線性、光孤子或訊號變形之分析與研究 (工業技術研究院) 2014/1-2014/12 


  • 國立台北科技大學 電資學院 108年度 傑出教學獎
  • 國立台北科技大學 106年度 年輕學者研究獎
  • 國立台北科技大學 電資學院 105年度 研究躍升獎
  • 國立台北科技大學 電資學院 104年度 傑出研究獎
  • 國立台北科技大學 電資學院 103年度 教學優良獎


  • "Passively Q-switched fiber laser system and method for fabricating a saturable absorber of the system"; 美國發明專利; Chien-Ming Chen, Yin-Wen Lee, Chia-Wei Huang, Shih-ken Chen, Jhang-Rong Jiang.
  • "被動式Q開關光纖雷射系統及製造其飽和吸收體的⽅法"; 台灣發明專利; 陳建銘, 李穎玟.
  • "側向光柵耦光系統"; 台灣發明專利; 李穎玟, 黃升龍, 黎延垠.
  • "抑制受激布⾥淵散射的增益光纖"; 台灣發明專利; 李穎玟, 蘇信嘉, 黃健銘, 曹宏熙, 宋育誠, 林⼠廷, 楊映暉.



  1. Y. H. Li, Y. W. Lee*, S. L. Huang” Broadband wavelength-swept Cr4+:YAG crystal fiber laser”, Opt. Express vol 31,no.20, pp 32772-32782 (2023)
  2. Y. W. Lee*, C.M.Chen., W.H. Chuang , C.Y.Cho,C.H.Yu,M.C.Paul,” Highly efficient mode-locked and Q-switched Er3+-doped fiber lasers using a gold nanorod saturable absorber” , Scientific Reports vol. 11, no.1, pp.1-8 (2021).
  3. Y. W. Lee*, J. Y. Chuang, C. C. Lin, M. C. Paul, S. Das, and A Dhar, "High-efficiency picosecond mode-locked laser using a thulium-doped nanoengineered yttrium-alumina-silica fiber as the gain medium," Opt. Express vol 29,no.10, pp 14682-14693 (2021)
  4. J.H. Lin, T.Y. Liao, C.Y. Yang, D.G. Zhang, C.Y. Yang, Y.W. Lee*, S. Das, A. Dhar, M. C. Paul,” Noise-like pulse generation around 1.3-µm based on cascaded Raman scattering” , Optic Express ,vol 28,no.8,pp. 12252-12261 (2020)
  5. S. K. Liaw, D. C. Li, H. C. Lee, Y. Z. Huang, C. S. Shin, Y. W. Lee*,” Multiple Parameters Optical Sensing Using Fiber Ring Laser Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings and 1064 nm Semiconductor Optical Amplifier” , Optics and Spectroscopy, vol 127, no.6, pp. 1057-1061, (2019).
  6. H. C. Lee, Y. W. Lee*, J. S. Chang, S. K. Liaw ,” Single-Longitude-Mode Fiber Laser Implementation by Using Only Two Subring Cavities in Serial/Parallel Connection” , Fiber and Integrated Optics , vol 38, no.4, pp. 236-246, (2019).
  7. Y. W. Lee*, W.C. Huangfu, Y. Y. Li, I. C. Wu, S. L. Huang, S. K. P. Liaw, M. Dubinskii, “Distributed and Side-Pumped Fiber Laser Using a Laser Diode Bar Stack” , IEEE Access , vol 6, no.16, pp. 70456-70462, (2018).
  8. Y. Y. Li, Y. W. Lee*, T. S. Ho, J. H. Wang, I. C. Wu, T. W. Hsu, Y. T. Chen, and S. L. Huang, "Spectroscopic characterization of Si/Mo thin-film stack at extreme ultraviolet range", Optics Letters, vol 43, no.16, pp. 4029-4032, (2018).
  9. Y. Y. Li, Y. W. Lee*, T. S. Ho, R. T. Wei, P. Y. LAi, K. S. Jao, I. C. Wu, S. H. Chen and S. L. Huang, "Interferometry Based EUV Spectrometer", IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.9, no.4, 3400108, (2017).
  10. W. C. Chang, Y. S. Lin, Y. W. Lee, C. H. Chen, J. H. Lin, P. H. Reddy, S. Das, A. Dhar and M. C. Paul,"Investigation of Q-Switched and Mode-Locked Pulses From a Yb3+-Doped Germano-Zirconia Silica Glass Based Fiber Laser", IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.9, no.4, 7104708, (2017).
  11. Y. W. Lee*,  J. S. Chang, S. Pas, A. Dher, M. Pal, M. C. Paul, J. T. Lin, and Y. W. Jhang, "Er3+-doped nano-eryineered yttria stabilized zircoria-alumino silicate fiber for efficient CW and mode-locked laser operation ", IEEE Photonics Journal,vol.18,no.4, pp. 1-13, (2016).
  12. Y. L. Yu, S. K. Liaw, and Y. W. Lee, "Eye-diagram and Q factor evaluation of fiber ring laser in lightwave transimission", Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 31, pp. 55-66, (2016).
  13. Y. W. Lee, C. M. Chen, C. W. Huang, S. K. Chen, and J. R. Jiang, "Passively Q-switched Er3+-doped fiber lasers using colloidal PbS quantum dot saturable abosorber", Optics Express vol.24, no.10, pp. 10675-10681, (2016).
  14. S. K. Liaw, Y. W. Lee*, H. W. Huang, and W. F. Wu,“Multi-wavelength linear-cavity SOA-based laser array design for multi-parameter and long-haul sensing”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.15,no.6, pp. 3353-3358, (2015).
  15. J. H. Lin, B. C. Lai, and Y. W. Lee,“High energy rectangular pulse generated in a low repetition rate all normal-dispersion Yb3+-doped fiber laser ”, Laser Physics, vol.25, no.4, 045101, (2015).
  16. Y. W. Lee*, H. Y. Ling, Y. H. Lin, and S.Jiang,“Heavily Tm3+-doped silicate fiber with high gain per unit length”,  Optical Materials Express, vol.5, no.3 pp.549-557,(2015).
  17. J. Geng, Q. Wang, Y. W. Lee, and S. Jiang, “Development of eye-safe fiber lasers near 2 μm”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.20, no.5, 904011, (2014).
  18. J. H. Lin, Y. W. Lee*, T. C. Lin, B. C. Lai, M. Pal, S. Das, A. Dhar, and M. C. Paul, “Near-infrared supercontinnum generation in single-mode nonlinear Yb3+-doped fiber amplifier”,  Optics Express, vol.22, no.13, pp. 16130-16138, (2014).[Selected for publication in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics,vol. 9, no.8.]
  19. C. L. Chang, P. Y. Lai, Y. Y. Li, Y. P. Lai, C. W. Huang, S. H. Chen, Y. W. Lee and S. L. Huang, “Parasitic stimulated amplification in high-peak-power and diode-seeded nanosecond fiber amplifiers”, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.6, no.3, 1500809, (2014).
  20. Y. W. Lee*, H. W. Chien, C. H. Cho, J. Z. Chen, J. S. Chang, and S. Jiang, “Heavily Tm3+-doped silicate fiber for high-gain fiber amplifiers” , Fibers, vol.1, no.3, pp. 82-92,(2013). (Invited)
  21. Y. W. Lee*, M. J. F. Digonnet, S. Sinha, K. E. Urbanek, R. L. Byer, and S. Jiang, “High-power Yb3+- doped phosphate fiber laser sources”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.15, no.1, pp. 93-102, (2009).
  22. Y. W. Lee*, M. J. F. Digonnet, R. L. Byer, and S. Jiang, “Measurement of high photodarkening  resistance in heavily doped phosphate fibers”, Electronics Letters, vol.44, no.1, pp. 14-16, (2008).
  23. S. Sinha, D. S. Hum, K. E. Urbanek, Y. W. Lee, M. J. F. Digonnet, M.M. Fejer, and R. L. Byer, “Room-Temperature Stable Generation of 19 Watts of Single-Frequency 532-nm Radiation in a Periodically Poled Lithium Tantalate Crystal”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol.26, no.24, pp. 3866-3871, (2008).
  24. Y. W. Lee*, S. Sinha, M. J. F. Digonnet, R. L. Byer, and S. Jiang, “20-W single-mode Yb3+-doped phosphate fiber laser”, Optics Letters, vol.31, no.22, pp. 3255-3257, (2006).[Also reported in Laser focus world December 2006 issue and Photonics Spectra January 2007 issue]
  25. Y. W. Lee, F .C. Fan, B.Y. Gu, B.Z. Dong, M.H. Chou, and Y.C. Huang, “Nonlinear multiwavelength   conversion based on an aperiodic optical superlattice in lithium niobate”, Optics Letters, vol.27, no.24, pp. 2191-3, (2002).



  1. Y. W. Lee*, Y. T. Chen, H. L. Tu, J. J. Liau, P. C. Hsu, B. Shen “(6+ 1) x1 taper-fused side pump and signal combiner for kW-class fiber laser applications”, Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, USA (2024), oral.
  2. Y. W. Lee*, J. Y. Chuang, J. T. Lin, Y. W. Jhang, S. Das, A. Dhar, M.C. Paul “Passively mode-locked Thulium-doped nanoengineered Yttrium-Alumina Silica fiber laser”, CLEOPR, Hong Kong, China (2018), oral.
  3. Y. Y. Li, Y. W. Lee*, I. C. Wu and S. L. Huang, "Spectroscopic Characterization of Si/Mo Thin-film Stack at Extreme Ultraviolet Range", CLEO: AF2B. 6, San Jose, CA (2017), oral.
  4. Y. W. Lee*, J. S. Chang, S. Das, A. Dhar, M. Pal, and M. C. Paul, "Efficient Er3+-doped Fiber Laser Based on Nano-engineered Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Alumino Silicate Fiber", CLEO: SM2Q. 7, San Jose, CA (2016), oral.
  5. Y. W. Lee*, J.S. Chang, S. K. Liaw, and W. F. Wu, “Experimental demonstration of L band single longitude mode tunable fiber laser”Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE), (2015) International Symposium on, 1-3.
  6. Y. W. Lee*, Y. M. Peng, D. Y. Jheng, S.L. Huang, S.K. Chen, S Jiang, “Measurement of photodarkening resistance in heavily Yb 3+-doped silica and silicate fibers” Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE), (2015) International Symposium on, 1-3.
  7. Y. W. Lee*, C. H. Cho and H. W. Tseng,and  S. Jiang, “Tm3+-doped silicate fiber amplifier with gain per unit length of 3.17 dB/cm”,  Advanced Solid State lasers (ASSL),oral Shanghai, China, (2014).
  8. K. C. Liao, J. H. Lin and Y. W. Lee*, “Cascaded raman scattering by Q-switched and mode-locked pulses through Yb3+-doped fiber laser amplifier”, JSAP-OSA joint  Symposia,oral Hokkaido, Japan,  (2014).  
  9. S. K. Liaw, Y. W. Lee* and W. F. Wu, “Long-range multiwavelength sensing using semiconductor optical amplifier-based fiber laser”,International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE), Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, (2014).
  10. S. L. Lin, Y. W. Lee*, K. Y. Hsu, C. W. Huang,and S. L. Huang, “Design of resonantly side-pumped 1645-nm Er:YAG crystal fiber lasers with grating couplers”, CLEO-PR&OECC/PS 2013,oral Kyoto, Japan, (2013)
  11. K. Y. Hsu, D. Y. Jheng, S. C. Wang, S.L. Huang, Y. W. Lee*, P. S. Yeh,and M. Dubinskii, “Toward single-mode crystalline fiber laser and amplifier”, CLEO-PR&OECC/PS 20, Kyoto, Japan, (2013)
  12. S. L. Lin, Y. W. Lee*, C. W. Huang, K. Y. Hsu,and S. L. Huang, “Design of grating coupler for resonantly side-pumped 1645-nm Er:YAG crystal fiber laser”,Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference 2012,Taipei, Taiwan, (2012)
  13. V. R. Supradeepa, J. Nicholson, C. Headley, Y. W. Lee*, B. Palsdottir, and D. Jakobsen, “Cascaded Raman fiber laser at 1480 nm with output power of 104 W”, Photonics West, 8237-48, San Jose, CA (2012).
  14. C. L. Chang, Y. Y. Li, Y. W. Lee*, Y. P. Lai,and S. L. Huang, “High performance nanosecond core-pumped ytterbium doped fiber preamplifier module in all-fiber propagation”, International Photonics Conference (IPC),Tainan, Taiwan, (2011) 
  15. Y. W. Lee*, S. Sinha, M. J. F. Digonnet, R. L. Byer and S. Jiang, “10-Watt, single-mode, single- frequency, 1.03 μm Yb3+-doped phosphate fiber amplifier”, CLEO, CFS1, San Jose, CA (2008).
  16. Y. W. Lee*, S. Sinha, M. J. F. Digonnet, R. L. Byer and S. Jiang, “Measurement of high photodarkening resistance in heavily doped phosphate fibers”, Photonics West, 6873-49, San Jose, CA (2008); Proc. SPIE Vol. 6873 (2008).
  17. Y. W. Lee*, K. E. Urbanek, M. J. F. Digonnet, R. L. Byer and S. Jiang, “Measurement of the stimulated Brillouin scattering gain coefficient of a phosphate fiber”, Photonics West, 6469-20, San Jose, CA (2007); Proc. SPIE Vol. 6469, 64690L (2007). 
  18. Y. W. Lee*, S. Sinha, M. J. F. Digonnet, R. L. Byer and S. Jiang, “12-Watt single-mode Yb3+-doped phosphate fiber Laser”, CLEO, CTuI5, Long Beach, CA (2006).
  19. Y. W. Lee*, F .C. Fan, B.Z. Dong, B.Y. Gu and Y.C. Huang, “Aperiodic optical superlattice in Lithium Niobate for multi-wavelength conversion”, CLEO, CWE5, Long Beach, CA (2002).
  20. Y. W. Lee* and Y.C. Huang, “Conflicting experimental results of a Nd:YVO4/ Cr4+:YAG passively Q-switched microchip laser”, CLEO/ Pacific Rim 2001, P1-35, Japan (2000).